
Mindfulness is the act of being in the moment and paying attention to what’s happening right now instead of worrying about the future or reliving the past. It’s an Eastern concept that has become very popular in the West. Mindfulness is useful because it trains your brain to view the world differently. When you’re mindful, you’re experiencing life instead of just going through the motions. Mindfulness trains your brain to focus on what’s most important in the moment, instead of just reactively doing things without deliberate thought.

Mindfulness is the practice of actively paying attention to the present moment without judgement. It’s about being in the moment and acknowledging your thoughts and feelings without judgement. You can practice mindfulness in any given moment of your daily routine, like eating a meal or taking a shower. The more you practice mindfulness, the easier it gets.

Mindfulness is the ability to focus on the present moment without worrying about the future or ruminating on the past. It’s about being attentive to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Mindfulness can be cultivated through meditation and exercises like letting go of negative thoughts for at least 10 seconds.

Being Clean and Hygienic Doesn’t Impair Childhood Immunity
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Being Clean and Hygienic Doesn’t Impair Childhood Immunity

On November 9, 1989, a stunned audience watched the fall of the Berlin Wall live on television. This was an unprecedented event with global implications, and the whole world was glued to their screens as it unfolded.  However, while most of us observed this game-changing world occurrence in awe, Dr. Erika von Mutius wondered about…

Air Pollution During Pregnancy May Affect Growth of Newborn Babies
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Air Pollution During Pregnancy May Affect Growth of Newborn Babies

A fascinating study from July 2021 focused on a possible connection between pollution during pregnancy and the growth of newborn babies. It discovered interesting relationships to a baby’s thyroid health. The study looked at how much thyroxine (a hormone produced by the thyroid) was present in newborn babies because past studies have shown that air…

Mindfulness Meditation Training Lowers Stress Response In Anxiety Disorder
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Mindfulness Meditation Training Lowers Stress Response In Anxiety Disorder

You know that feeling where your mind is thinking of 100 things at once? When you can’t stop the thoughts and jump from idea to idea, or worse, from worry to worry? When this happens it can make stress and anxiety worse. However, many people are turning to mindfulness meditation as a popular method to…

The Surprising Health Consequences of Finding Your Purpose
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The Surprising Health Consequences of Finding Your Purpose

Ikigai is a Japanese word meaning a reason for being. Simply put, ikigai is your purpose. It’s what gets you up in the morning.  What is your purpose in life? For many of us, our purpose revolves around our family and loved ones. For others, there’s a passion for our career, or reaching a goal such as running…

Self-Coaching – Want more self-discipline in your life?
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Self-Coaching – Want more self-discipline in your life?

Here’s a way to practice building your self-discipline muscle while eliminating your tendency to procrastinate. Starting today, look for examples where you may be procrastinating, postponing, or avoiding a task. For example, “I’ll do it later” (i.e., pay the bills, make that call, wash the dishes, floss, start a diet, and so on) For the…