Brain Health

When we talk about maintaining brain health, we are referring to the idea of slowing the process of cognitive decline. The goal of maintaining brain health is to keep your mind sharp well into old age. Maintaining brain health is important because a decline in cognitive function can make life much more difficult. It can be frustrating to have a harder time with things like thinking and remembering. It can be embarrassing to have to ask others for help when you need it. It can be dangerous to make poor decisions because of a decline in cognitive function. There is a lot at stake when it comes to maintaining your brain health, and that is why so many people are interested in the topic.

Health Benefits of Owning a Dog
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Health Benefits of Owning a Dog

Man’s best friend.  Dogs give us companionship, friendship, and loyalty.  They love us unconditionally and they seem to be there when we need them the most, but what has science said about the health benefits of having a dog in the household?  Can owning a dog make us healthier and happier? Heart-Smart Researchers have discovered…

Why Isn’t EMPATHY Taught In Medical School?
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Why Isn’t EMPATHY Taught In Medical School?

Empathy is defined as  the experience of understanding another person’s condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. Empathy is known to increase prosocial (helping) behaviors. We have heard the word, we have learned what the word means and we have spoken the word in sentences but…