
Questions Answered About the Coronavirus – Part 4

Questions Answered About the Coronavirus – Part 4

I’m continuing to answer questions in an effort to stop the spread of misinformation and false claims. Unfortunately, we all really need to be careful when it comes to sharing information. There are shady people out there making bogus medical claims and even posing as doctors or medical officials. Question From Shannon Quay –  “I…

August may bring more US coronavirus deaths than expected, but next wave in winter could be worse

August may bring more US coronavirus deaths than expected, but next wave in winter could be worse

In the United States, it’s estimated that 66,000 Americans will die by August from COVID-19. This number has risen by 10% as officials warn a deadlier wave is possible this winter. The estimate has increased for a few reasons. First, we will continue to revise the number as we receive more data. Predictions will shift…

Fact Check: Could Taking Vitamin C Cure — or Prevent — COVID-19?

Fact Check: Could Taking Vitamin C Cure — or Prevent — COVID-19?

I’m hearing a lot of misinformation these days on what could or could not help when it comes to the coronavirus and our health. Some folks are now saying that taking high doses of Vitamin C may be beneficial for curing or preventing COVID-19. Unfortunately, this is unfounded medical advice. No science backs up the…

New hope for coronavirus treatment and vaccines

New hope for coronavirus treatment and vaccines

According to the World Health Organization, two potential vaccine candidates stand out among the seven currently in clinical evaluation. While some may be cautiously optimistic, please keep in mind that lab results don’t always translate the way we want in humans. But, one of these potential vaccines looks promising based on results from animal studies. …

Coronavirus Update: Travel Limits and Reinfection

Coronavirus Update: Travel Limits and Reinfection

According to John Hopkins University, coronavirus cases in the United States have jumped to over 800; 28 are dead from the disease. Over this past weekend, the number of cases soared, and cruise ship passengers became infected. Of those infected, 70 have been repatriated to the United States. The Grand Princess cruise ship saw 21 cases, the…

Store-bought Turkey Causing a Total of 358 Infections Across 42 States, CDC Reports

Store-bought Turkey Causing a Total of 358 Infections Across 42 States, CDC Reports

Unfortunately,  we need to be really careful with our turkeys because salmonella is still a concern. The CDC reports that a total of 358 infections across 42 states. One person has died and 44% of those who became ill ended up in the hospital. Now, the outbreak investigation has been closed, but more cases are…