General Health

General health is the state of well-being in which most physical and mental functions of an individual are maintained. A healthy person has a sense of well-being, a positive outlook, and a productive lifestyle. General health is a reflection of physical, mental, and social well-being. This is a very broad definition, and the concept of general health is subjective. What may be considered unhealthy by one person may be healthy for another. General health is a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being.

Can’t Sleep? Have You Tried Working Out?
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Can’t Sleep? Have You Tried Working Out?

Nothing can be more frustrating than lying down for a good night’s sleep only to find yourself tossing and turning. You might also find you fall to sleep right away, but then wake in the middle of the night. However, poor sleep is not just frustrating. It can also interfere with your health. According to…

Being Clean and Hygienic Doesn’t Impair Childhood Immunity
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Being Clean and Hygienic Doesn’t Impair Childhood Immunity

On November 9, 1989, a stunned audience watched the fall of the Berlin Wall live on television. This was an unprecedented event with global implications, and the whole world was glued to their screens as it unfolded.  However, while most of us observed this game-changing world occurrence in awe, Dr. Erika von Mutius wondered about…

Study Shows Eating Fish Fats Can Reduce Migraine Headaches
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Study Shows Eating Fish Fats Can Reduce Migraine Headaches

Most of us are familiar with the benefits of eating fish fats for heart health. However, what might not be as well publicized is that fatty fish can also help reduce the frequency of migraine headaches. According to a new study, fatty fish in hand with vegetable-based fats and oils can reduce migraine intensity and…

The Ultimate Super Bowl Recipes (That You Won’t Regret the Next Day)
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The Ultimate Super Bowl Recipes (That You Won’t Regret the Next Day)

The Super Bowl is one of the biggest party days of the year, and whether you are a football fan or not, you are likely to attend one. On average, there are 17 people at a Super Bowl Party, and only 5% of the TV audience watches the game alone. We all know what that…

4 Foods That Cause DNA-Damaging Inflammation In Your Body
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4 Foods That Cause DNA-Damaging Inflammation In Your Body

Nowadays we know more about diet and health than any other population in history. Because we understand our own various eating behaviors and cravings we can understand why our relationships with food can sometimes feel “toxic.”  On a physical level, our relationship with food can certainly be toxic. Inflammation in our bodies is a major…

Scientists Have Found a “Kill Switch” in The Body That Can Destroy Any Type of Cancer
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Scientists Have Found a “Kill Switch” in The Body That Can Destroy Any Type of Cancer

Although the word “cancer” still inspires a chill down our spine, there are many new discoveries every year as researchers learn about the most hopeful prevention developments.  Graining much interest in the media are frequent front-page stories on new ways to kill cancer cells – particularly on research and subsequent developments. Did you know a…

Scientists Found The Cause Of Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
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Scientists Found The Cause Of Alzheimer’s Disease Progression

There are approximately 50 million people worldwide with dementia, a condition that causes a continual decline in mental and social skills. While there are different conditions that can cause dementia, between 60-70% of these dementia cases throughout the world are caused by Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, 5.8 million people over 65 in the United States…

Experts Weigh In On The Best Techniques To Keep Your Stress Levels In Check
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Experts Weigh In On The Best Techniques To Keep Your Stress Levels In Check

The modern world is fast-paced and societal pressures can lead to increased feelings of stress that cause physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress affects everyone and is the body’s normal reaction to warning signs or challenges identified by the central nervous system.  When the body identifies stress, hormones and chemicals are released that trigger the…