Author: Partha Nandi, MD

Partha Nandi M.D., F.A.C.P. is the creator and host of the internationally syndicated medical lifestyle television show, Ask Dr. Nandi. A practicing physician and a renowned international speaker, his appearances include TEDx, college commencements, numerous charity functions, premier medical meetings such as Digestive Disease Week, and nationally syndicated television programs such as The Katie Couric Show. Dr. Nandi has partnered with the Ministry of Health in multiple countries, including Jamaica and India, and has collaborated with The World Health Organization in multiple areas throughout the globe, Dr. Nandi delivers passionate and inspiring talks to diverse audiences. He continues to travel internationally for conferences and symposia, meeting with global health leaders on his quest to improve health care quality, access, and to empower people across the world β€œTo Be Your Own Health Hero.”
Top 7 Fermented Foods To Include In Your Diet
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Top 7 Fermented Foods To Include In Your Diet

What Are Fermented Foods & Why Should I Eat Them? Fermentation allows food items to sit for an extended time in conditions that will enable the sugars and carbs to be broken down by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms present in the food. The byproducts of this breakdown change the food into something altogether different….

Liver Cleanse: Detox Your Liver in 4 Easy Steps

Liver Cleanse: Detox Your Liver in 4 Easy Steps

Like it or not, throughout our lives, we all encounter toxins. Suppose you eat whole foods, an organic diet, and stay away from chemicals. In that case, your exposure is less than for the average American eating a processed food diet filled with artificial ingredients and unhealthy ingredients and using chemical-filled conventional hygiene, beauty, and…

Why You Should Drink Kombucha Every Day

Why You Should Drink Kombucha Every Day

Chinese in origin and used for well over 2,000 years, the β€œImmortal Health Elixir” is a beverage with many incredible health benefits.Β KombuchaΒ is an exciting beverage that has been shown to benefit your heart, brain, and gut. Still, while many people drink it, many don’t understand what difference this drink makes for the body. Read on…

ADHD: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

ADHD: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder. It often starts during childhood but doesn’t only affect children but also teenagers and adults of all ages. This article will discuss what ADHD is, its symptoms in adults, diagnoses, and treatment options. What is ADHD? People with ADHD have a difficult time focusing….