prevent inflammation

12 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
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12 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process of your body converting food and drinks into energy. It’s always happening, even when you’re at rest; it doesn’t only happen while you’re digesting food or physically active. Your body constantly uses energy for breathing, circulation, organ function, regulating hormone levels, growing and repairing cells, and more.  Everybody has a different…

4 Ways To A Healthier Plant-Based Diet

4 Ways To A Healthier Plant-Based Diet

There’s so much evidence on the benefits of following a whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet—for both our health and the environment—that it’s becoming more widely accepted and popular every day. In fact, a recent marketing survey reported that an astounding 70 percent of the world’s population is trying to reduce or eliminate meat consumption. After four…

About Intermittent Fasting: Possible Benefits and How to Try It
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About Intermittent Fasting: Possible Benefits and How to Try It

Let’s talk about intermittent fasting since it’s been getting increasing attention lately from the medical community. It’s exactly what it sounds like: interspersing extended periods of not eating in between regular meals. You don’t (necessarily) change what you eat or how much you eat at a meal. You just change when you eat. This isn’t…

A Cardiologist Reveals The Ways You’re Wrecking Your Heart ( P.S. It’s not Smoking)

A Cardiologist Reveals The Ways You’re Wrecking Your Heart ( P.S. It’s not Smoking)

It’s easy to go a day, a week, or even a year and never think about the fact that it’s a friggin’ miracle that a muscle the size of a fist pumps gallons of blood to keep you alive daily. Yes, I’m talking about the heart muscle. After practicing cardiology for nearly 30 years, I…

Stock Your Kitchen With These Cancer-Fighting Foods

Stock Your Kitchen With These Cancer-Fighting Foods

Your nutritional choices play a big part in your overall health. That’s why it’s so important to nourish your body with healthy foods. Food is powerful. It can fight off depression, boost your mood and even help prevent cancer and other illnesses. Food is medicine, and when you use food this way, you’re committing to a lifestyle change….