
Depression: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Solutions

Depression: Types, Symptoms, Causes & Solutions

Depression is more than just temporarily feeling sad and blue. Depression is a mental health condition that affects a significant percentage of the population. What Is Depression? Depression is a mood disorder classified in The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-V (DSM-V). Anxiety disorder is one of the most prevalent mental health issues affecting…

Every 12 Minutes, a Suicide Occurs. How Can You Help?

Every 12 Minutes, a Suicide Occurs. How Can You Help?

Yes, it is true. Suicide is a severe concern that kills a person every 12 minutes in the United States alone. Often a result of depression, suicide doesn’t have to be a death sentence or even an option. Suicide is preventable, and mental health conditions associated with suicide, suicidal thoughts, or behaviors are treatable. Suicide:…