Mental Health

3 Ways for Women to Protect Their Heart Health!

3 Ways for Women to Protect Their Heart Health!

Ladies, how many of you have ever gone to the doctor with troubling symptoms only to be told, “Oh, you’re just stressed?” This happens more frequently than some care to admit, and it could potentially jeopardize your life. While legitimate stress-related issues can certainly prompt a doctor visit, it’s imperative that certain symptoms are taken…

5 Ways Your Body is Telling You That You’re Depressed

5 Ways Your Body is Telling You That You’re Depressed

It isn’t always easy to differentiate between sadness and depression. But there are significant differences between the two, and it’s essential to understand them. Otherwise, you risk overreacting to what might just be a couple of bad days or failing to take action when there is an actual cause for concern. Sadness is a common…