how to be healthy eating

3 Biggest Fears About Getting a Colonoscopy
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3 Biggest Fears About Getting a Colonoscopy

Have you been putting off getting a colorectal cancer screening because the very thought fills you with dread and terror? You are not alone! I witness so much fear around this procedure. Guess what? The anxiety is unnecessary. The process, however, can save your life. So I’m sharing the three biggest common fears that most people have…

Modern Day Slavery DOES Exist in America: How Our Children Are Victims Today
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Modern Day Slavery DOES Exist in America: How Our Children Are Victims Today

Children, sold hour after hour after hour, day after day, week after week, mostly for reasons of sex. Right here, in the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Children just like the ones that live in your home. Children just like the ones you are related to. Children just like the ones…

3 Ways for Women to Protect Their Heart Health!

3 Ways for Women to Protect Their Heart Health!

Ladies, how many of you have ever gone to the doctor with troubling symptoms only to be told, “Oh, you’re just stressed?” This happens more frequently than some care to admit, and it could potentially jeopardize your life. While legitimate stress-related issues can certainly prompt a doctor visit, it’s imperative that certain symptoms are taken…