healthy diet

10 Ways to Start Feeling More Confident About Your Body
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10 Ways to Start Feeling More Confident About Your Body

“Comparison is the thief of joy” is a quote that has most often been attributed to both Christian writer Dwight Edwards and President Theodore Roosevelt. No matter who said it, the statement is true. When you compare yourself to others, it makes you unhappy. It’s tempting to compare ourselves in so many different ways—the shape of…

Some All-Too-Common Excuses for Overeating
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Some All-Too-Common Excuses for Overeating

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be dieting, but hopefully you’re really working on making positive, permanent lifestyle changes. Only lasting changes to your eating and exercise habits yield lasting results. But either way, while you’re dieting or transitioning, you’re bound to suffer some periodic feelings of deprivation. These feelings, as well as…

8 Common Diseases Can Be Reversed By A Plant-Based Diet

8 Common Diseases Can Be Reversed By A Plant-Based Diet

Some people are drawn to the plant-based lifestyle for the impact it makes on protecting the environment and some to avoid harming animals. Most of us hope that we also may derive some health benefits from skipping animal products, even if it is occasionally hard on holidays and while traveling to find appropriate meals. You…

How Child Sex Trafficking is Big Money in America
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How Child Sex Trafficking is Big Money in America

Child sex trafficking has become big industry across the globe, and in America. World wide, the International Labor Organization estimates that trafficking is now a $150 billion industry. Roughly $99 million of that is from commercial sex trade according to an ILO report, while the remaining $51 billion is from forced labor. Indeed, it has…