gut brain

#SelfCoaching – What causes depression?

#SelfCoaching – What causes depression?

The exact cause of depression is unknown. What is known is that there are some common factors that may actuate depression and depressive symptoms. The following five factors may be related to your depression: Physical illness can be associated with depression. Diabetes, thyroid disorders, cancer, congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s disease, chronic, incurable, and painful conditions…

This Is How Often You Should Be Having Sex For Optimal Health

This Is How Often You Should Be Having Sex For Optimal Health

Eat your vegetables and fruits, get seven to nine hours of sleep, don’t smoke, walk 30 minutes a day, stand more, stress less, be more mindful. It can be quite an undertaking to arrange and maintain a schedule that promotes health and longevity. And interestingly, the one activity you may not be placing high enough…

About Intermittent Fasting: Possible Benefits and How to Try It
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About Intermittent Fasting: Possible Benefits and How to Try It

Let’s talk about intermittent fasting since it’s been getting increasing attention lately from the medical community. It’s exactly what it sounds like: interspersing extended periods of not eating in between regular meals. You don’t (necessarily) change what you eat or how much you eat at a meal. You just change when you eat. This isn’t…

Time to save children – The Ugly Truth About Child Abuse
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Time to save children – The Ugly Truth About Child Abuse

Once more, my heart broke upon hearing the story; the horrible story that most turn away from. This time, the news came from Idaho.  A baby had a fractured skull and brain bleed.  The infant was a victim of shaken baby syndrome and was severely malnourished, getting only enough calories to keep his heart beating. It…