
The simple addition of cucumbers to a salad can provide many health advantages. Cucumbers are an excellent addition to your diet, and you should take advantage of all they have to offer. Plus, they are so abundant in your local markets at this time of year.

The cucumber is 95% water which means you can help to re-hydrate yourself by snacking on one. Plus, the added water can help to flush out toxins from your body. Cucumber is an ideal diet for people looking for weight loss because of the low calories contained in it and the high water content. Research has found that the high water content and dietary fiber in cucumbers are very effective in aiding the body to eliminate toxins from the digestive system, which aids in digestion. Some researchers have suggested daily consumption of cucumbers as a remedy for chronic constipation.

Researchers have been studying cucumber and its ability to help in the battle against various cancers and heart disease. Cucumbers contain a unique polyphenol called lignans. Many studies have linked the consumption of cucumbers’ lignans with a lower risk of heart disease and other malignancies, such as those of the breast, uterus, and prostate. There have been some promising results from various studies.

Cucumbers are an excellent source of Vitamin K and potassium. Vitamin K is part of the compounds involved in building bone and other body tissues. Vitamin K is mainly responsible for making some of the proteins the liver requires for blood clotting. If you suffer from a bleeding disorder, this coagulation ability is essential. It helps to reduce their chances of bleeding out after a cut or injury. Approximately half of the cucumber’s vitamin K content is found in its peel, so keep the peel on for the best health benefits. About 150 milligrams of potassium can be found in 3.5 ounces of cucumber. Potassium plays a vital role in metabolic processes and muscle tissue development. There is strong evidence that potassium intake is critical for maintaining normal heart electrical activity and preventing high blood pressure.

Cucumber juice is a diuretic, so it is a tool to help prevent kidney stones. Research suggests that cucumbers also counter the effects of uric acid, which prevents inflammation from conditions like arthritis, asthma, and gout. Adding cucumbers to your diet helps with healthy hair growth. It is helpful in the treatment of skin ailments like psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

So add cucumber to the salad, and nibble on one as a snack. Cucumbers are full of goodness!

Try These Delicious and Healthy Cucumber Recipes

Cucumber Salad

Dr. Nandi’s Taste of the Tropics Cucumber Salad

Go get the recipe.

Dr. Nandi’s Mango, Cucumber, & Watermelon Salad

Go get the recipe.

Chilled Creamy Cucumber Soup

Go get the recipe.

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