Eating habits

16-Hour Intermittent Fasting Decoded: This Is What Happens to Your Body
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16-Hour Intermittent Fasting Decoded: This Is What Happens to Your Body

Back in ancient times, Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed fasting — intentionally not eating or drinking — to address certain health issues. Today, the appeal of intermittent fasting (IF) endures.  It connects us to historical health approaches while also aligning with modern research on metabolism, weight management, and neurological benefits. This mix of tradition and science…

The Alarming Truth About Farmed Salmon: A Toxic Food Industry
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The Alarming Truth About Farmed Salmon: A Toxic Food Industry

Did you know that farmed salmon is considered one of the most toxic foods in the world? Nicolas Daniel’s documentary “Fillet Oh! Fish” provides a compelling look into the dark side of the fish industry, exposing the environmental pollution, diseases, and genetic mutations associated with salmon farming. It’s a disturbing reality that demands our attention….

Anti-Foaming Chemicals in Chick-fil-A Sandwiches: A Closer Look at the Health Risks
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Anti-Foaming Chemicals in Chick-fil-A Sandwiches: A Closer Look at the Health Risks

The fast-food industry has faced mounting criticism over the years for its unhealthy practices and ingredients. A recent case in point is Chick-fil-A’s chicken sandwiches, which have come under scrutiny for containing anti-foaming chemicals found in substances like adhesives, caulks, and polishes. Ingredients Revealing Potential Health Hazards Upon perusing the ingredient list provided by Chick-fil-A…

Fasting for Longevity and Wellness
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Fasting for Longevity and Wellness

In today’s world, people often experience a reduced health span, which refers to the portion of one’s lifespan spent in good health. This decline in health span is linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and hypertension. The modern lifestyle, characterized by artificial lighting, 24/7 access to processed foods, and reduced physical…

These Antioxidants May Help Prevent Dementia, Study Reveals
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These Antioxidants May Help Prevent Dementia, Study Reveals

The onset of dementia and dementia-related diseases has increased in recent years due to an aging population. Worldwide, dementia is the seventh leading cause of death, with an estimated 55 million showing symptoms and 10 million new cases each year. [1]  In the United States, the number of people thought to have Alzheimer’s or dementia-related…

A Gastroenterologist’s Top Foods for Optimal Gut Health and Regularity
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A Gastroenterologist’s Top Foods for Optimal Gut Health and Regularity

Did you know that your gut health affects your whole body? Not only does it have an impact on how your organs function, but it also influences your emotions and behavior. That’s why one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to regulate your gut health. Since it’s so important, you should only…

3 Delicious Probiotic-Rich Meals for Gut Health as Recommended by Nutritionists
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3 Delicious Probiotic-Rich Meals for Gut Health as Recommended by Nutritionists

What we eat affects our weight and energy levels throughout the day. Improving the relationship we have with food can be liberating and fun. Not only that, but it can also open a whole new world of health and wellness benefits. Did you know that 70% of our immune cells are found in our gut?…

Successful Weight Loss: Scientists Show That It Might All Be in Your Head
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Successful Weight Loss: Scientists Show That It Might All Be in Your Head

A person whose weight is higher than what is considered healthy for their given height is described as overweight or even suffering from obesity. Obesity has spread beyond rich countries to affect people of all income levels. (1, 2) Defined as a high BMI (body mass index), obesity is a risk factor for many of…

Living to 100: Eating Habits From the World’s Longest-Lived People
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Living to 100: Eating Habits From the World’s Longest-Lived People

It’s difficult not to feel disheartened when you read about the rising number of health difficulties in the United States, especially when heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer are among the major causes of mortality and continue to claim more and more lives daily. While genetics play a role in some of these illnesses, we…