
Mind Your Gut: How the Microbiome Influences Depression and Dementia
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Mind Your Gut: How the Microbiome Influences Depression and Dementia

Beneath the surface of our everyday lives, an unseen battle rages within our digestive systems. The delicate balance of bacteria residing in our gut has far-reaching implications, influencing not only our physical health but also our mental well-being. Imagine the possibility that the bacteria in your gut could be shaping your thoughts, moods, and even…

Slow Walkers Beware: Could Your Walking Speed Indicate Your Dementia Risk?
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Slow Walkers Beware: Could Your Walking Speed Indicate Your Dementia Risk?

Dementia, a condition characterized by a decline in mental ability that hinders daily life, affects a staggering 55 million people worldwide, and the number keeps growing. It is projected to reach 139 million by 2050. [1] With no known cure for dementia, researchers have been diligently working to identify early signs of the condition to…

Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Its Link to Dementia-like Symptoms
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Vitamin B12 Deficiency and Its Link to Dementia-like Symptoms

Dementia is a growing concern globally, with estimated 55 million people affected in 2021, and this number is expected to rise to 82 million by 2030.  The progressive decline in cognitive function can be devastating, but what if some cases could be attributed to a simple vitamin deficiency?  The answer lies in the often-overlooked importance…

8 Magnesium-Filled Foods That Can Lower Your Risk of Anxiety, Depression, Heart Attacks, and More
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8 Magnesium-Filled Foods That Can Lower Your Risk of Anxiety, Depression, Heart Attacks, and More

Magnesium is a crucial element for overall health and biological function. As the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body, it is involved in over 3,750 different binding sites on proteins and is necessary for more than 300 enzymes to function correctly[1]. The importance of magnesium in various biochemical processes is vast, including, but…

The Loud & Clear Dangers of Noise on Sleep, Heart Health, and Dementia Risk
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The Loud & Clear Dangers of Noise on Sleep, Heart Health, and Dementia Risk

Did you know that one in three American adults does not get enough sleep? [1] To promote optimal health, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults aged 18-60 years should sleep for at least 7 hours per night. [2] Obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, brain disease, and frequent mental distress…

These Antioxidants May Help Prevent Dementia, Study Reveals
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These Antioxidants May Help Prevent Dementia, Study Reveals

The onset of dementia and dementia-related diseases has increased in recent years due to an aging population. Worldwide, dementia is the seventh leading cause of death, with an estimated 55 million showing symptoms and 10 million new cases each year. [1]  In the United States, the number of people thought to have Alzheimer’s or dementia-related…

Experts Warn Against Brain-Boosting Supplements Following Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarker Research
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Experts Warn Against Brain-Boosting Supplements Following Alzheimer’s Disease Biomarker Research

A quick walk or drive through any city will reveal that the most inexpensive and convenient foods available to us are not the healthiest choices.  Supplements are great for supporting specific health goals. They are, however, not a magic solution to compensate for poor nutrition and unhealthy habits. Further, not all supplements are created equal,…

4 Worst Drinking Habits To Have if Dementia Runs in Your Family, Says Dietitian
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4 Worst Drinking Habits To Have if Dementia Runs in Your Family, Says Dietitian

According to the World Health Organization, about 55 million people have dementia worldwide. Research also suggests that the risk of dementia increases if you have a first-degree relative with the disease. [1] Dementia is a term that encompasses a range of cognitive impairments, including memory loss, difficulty solving problems, and other cognitive issues that affect…

“Reverse Engineering” Brain Tissue Reveals Sugar-Studded Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
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“Reverse Engineering” Brain Tissue Reveals Sugar-Studded Protein Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease

Aging is a natural process of life. Our brains and bodies gradually change as we become older.  These changes have an impact on our physical and mental capabilities, as well as our risk of disease. The amount to which we experience aging differs from person to person, but for some, Alzheimer’s disease is a dreaded…