
Having a sense of purpose in your life is linked to many positive mental and physical health outcomes, such as a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, better sleep, and decreased stress. Purpose also helps you feel more connected to and invested in the things that you do throughout the day, which can have a positive impact on your mental health. Purpose doesn’t have to be something grandiose; it can be something as simple as making your daily activities more meaningful. Purpose can be something as simple as cooking a meal for someone who can’t do it themselves, or cleaning your house or office with a systematic and methodical approach, making each task a small piece of art. Purpose can also be something that is a bit grander, like engaging in activism to help others, volunteering, or pursuing passions and hobbies.

Some All-Too-Common Excuses for Overeating
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Some All-Too-Common Excuses for Overeating

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be dieting, but hopefully you’re really working on making positive, permanent lifestyle changes. Only lasting changes to your eating and exercise habits yield lasting results. But either way, while you’re dieting or transitioning, you’re bound to suffer some periodic feelings of deprivation. These feelings, as well as…

How Child Sex Trafficking is Big Money in America
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How Child Sex Trafficking is Big Money in America

Child sex trafficking has become big industry across the globe, and in America. World wide, the International Labor Organization estimates that trafficking is now a $150 billion industry. Roughly $99 million of that is from commercial sex trade according to an ILO report, while the remaining $51 billion is from forced labor. Indeed, it has…

A Doctor’s Drug-Free Prescription for Happier Mornings
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A Doctor’s Drug-Free Prescription for Happier Mornings

As seen on NBC News BETTER: If you’re not a morning person, rolling out of bed each day is likely a battle of wills. Your alarm is determined to wake you up, and you’re determined to keep hitting that snooze button. Your daily routine might serve no other purpose than to get you out the…

The Importance of Family Mealtime
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The Importance of Family Mealtime

Two of the best ways to achieve healthier living are through nutrition and bonding with your tribe. Nourishing your body and soul with healthy foods and genuine human connections significantly improves your life. You become happier, healthier, stronger and more fulfilled. You might even live longer. They’re that important! So any opportunity to bring together…

Self-Coaching – Want more self-discipline in your life?
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Self-Coaching – Want more self-discipline in your life?

Here’s a way to practice building your self-discipline muscle while eliminating your tendency to procrastinate. Starting today, look for examples where you may be procrastinating, postponing, or avoiding a task. For example, “I’ll do it later” (i.e., pay the bills, make that call, wash the dishes, floss, start a diet, and so on) For the…

Meditation and Yoga Can Actually Change Your Genes
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Meditation and Yoga Can Actually Change Your Genes

From a young age, I knew that I wanted to create a world full of Health Heroes. These are people who make their health a priority and commit to achieving greater health and happiness. Two of the best ways to achieve a healthier life are through movement and spirituality. Each is an important tool in…

Hashtags and Emojis-Hidden Languages and Hidden Dangers for your Children
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Hashtags and Emojis-Hidden Languages and Hidden Dangers for your Children

Hashtags and emojis are everywhere throughout social media. They are easy to use, they are fun, and they are cute. Yet, there is a hidden danger that most parents and adults are not aware of. For our children and today’s youth, it is a new form of communication. Like all forms of communication, it changes…

Impact Of Your Mental Health On Your Children
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Impact Of Your Mental Health On Your Children

Parenting your children on a daily basis can certainly be challenging. When a parent is suffering from a mental health issue, parenting can become even more demanding.  However, with the right support and mindset, it is possible to minimize the impact of your symptoms and care for your children in a positive way. Michelle D. Sherman,…