
Having a sense of purpose in your life is linked to many positive mental and physical health outcomes, such as a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, better sleep, and decreased stress. Purpose also helps you feel more connected to and invested in the things that you do throughout the day, which can have a positive impact on your mental health. Purpose doesn’t have to be something grandiose; it can be something as simple as making your daily activities more meaningful. Purpose can be something as simple as cooking a meal for someone who can’t do it themselves, or cleaning your house or office with a systematic and methodical approach, making each task a small piece of art. Purpose can also be something that is a bit grander, like engaging in activism to help others, volunteering, or pursuing passions and hobbies.

Tips for Packing Healthy School Lunches on a Budget
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Tips for Packing Healthy School Lunches on a Budget

Back to school means back to lunch preparation for parents around the country. It’s a challenge that many parents take on, but often struggle to keep healthy. While it’s easy to toss in convenient snacks, it’s not going to do much in the way of keeping their little bodies healthy and developing well. One pediatrician wants parents…

11 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child
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11 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child

Anxiety can be a crippling burden sometimes, and it can show up in many forms including headaches, sweating, trembling, excessive worrying, rapid breathing and increased heart rate, feeling tired, difficulty concentrating or just feeling nervous, restless or irritable. Most of us worry from time to time. But when we carry the worry around everywhere we…

The Surprising Health Consequences of Finding Your Purpose
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The Surprising Health Consequences of Finding Your Purpose

Ikigai is a Japanese word meaning a reason for being. Simply put, ikigai is your purpose. It’s what gets you up in the morning.  What is your purpose in life? For many of us, our purpose revolves around our family and loved ones. For others, there’s a passion for our career, or reaching a goal such as running…

The Role of Spirituality in Healthcare
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The Role of Spirituality in Healthcare

Spirituality is an integral part of the #healthhero experience. It can improve your health and well-being. It can support your ability to cope with illness and enhance your recovery. Spirituality can not only be an important part of your personal healing but also play a role in your entire healthcare experience. In this article, I…

How To Avoid Tragedy In The Family Swimming Pool
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How To Avoid Tragedy In The Family Swimming Pool

Especially in these hot summer months, a good swimming pool outing with the family is almost a necessity. But in all the excitement that comes with a fun and refreshing swimming trip we often forget about the dangers that accompany these types of outings, even (and especially) if the pool is just in our own…

How to spot the non-obvious signs a child is drowning
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How to spot the non-obvious signs a child is drowning

  (WXYZ) – The Fourth of July has come and gone, and we’re now well into the summer months. This means that many of us, especially those with kids, are spending time in Michigan’s lakes, beaches, and pools. Most kids LOVE playing in the water — my own included — but swimming can also be…