
New Antibiotic Discovered Using Artificial Intelligence

New Antibiotic Discovered Using Artificial Intelligence

Researchers from MIT have discovered a powerful new antibiotic by way of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology has been around for a while. But, now it is being used to study molecular structures. These scientists were able to train a deep learning algorithm to evaluate over a hundred million chemical compounds to identify antibiotic molecules…

Why Parents Should Be Cautious When Using Household Disinfectants

Why Parents Should Be Cautious When Using Household Disinfectants

Disinfectants may affect your health in ways you might not expect. During this season, everyone is sick with a cold or the flu. Many people have cleaned their homes more than usual. So, while you’re working hard to kill unwanted germs, you may also be harming your health. To be called “disinfectants,” manufacturers have to…

Elevated PFAS levels found in tap water in major U.S. cities

Elevated PFAS levels found in tap water in major U.S. cities

Test results from cities across the United States, including Ann Arbor, Michigan, are showing quantities for PFAS higher than previously thought. Water is key to our survival and having high levels of these man-made chemicals is concerning to me. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested tap water in 44 locations across 31 states for PFAS….

Update to Coronavirus News Emerging From China

Update to Coronavirus News Emerging From China

Human-to-Human Transmission The new pneumonia-like coronavirus has now been confirmed by a Chinese government-appointed expert that two cases have been transmitted from one person to another. The two were family members living in the Guangdong province in southern China. One of them visited the animal market in Wuhan where the outbreak began and transferred the…

Two Excedrin products are temporarily discontinued, company says

Two Excedrin products are temporarily discontinued, company says

Many of my patients swear by Excedrin for migraine relief. Unfortunately, GlaxoSmithKline, the company that makes Excedrin Extra Strength and Excedrine Migraine has temporarily discontinued both products. And many regular users of these products are already in distress over the shortage. You may have guessed the reason for this is because there was a quality…

One in Five Deaths Globally Are Due To Sepsis, Much Higher Than Previous Estimates

One in Five Deaths Globally Are Due To Sepsis, Much Higher Than Previous Estimates

A new study estimates that twice the amount previously estimated die from sepsis worldwide. Previous studies were limited to middle- and high-income countries where sepsis cases were treated at a hospital. This new study, however, included low-income countries and sepsis cases that occurred outside of a hospital. So, it’s not so much that the numbers…