
4 Minutes of HIIT can help Diabetes, Liver, Heart, Lungs
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4 Minutes of HIIT can help Diabetes, Liver, Heart, Lungs

In recent years, one of the most popular trends in fitness training has been High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, for short. (1)   HIIT is a 100% effort training technique through rapid, intensive exercise bursts accompanied by brief, but at times active, periods of recovery. The total training session is usually between 15-30 minutes, keeping the…

Gall Bladder Bile Acids Help Us Feel Full

Gall Bladder Bile Acids Help Us Feel Full

Appetite Hormones Many substances help control our appetite, but two hormones are recognized as having a major influence on regulating this process. They are ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin is called the “hunger hormone” because it stimulates appetite, increases food intake, and promotes fat storage. It is a gut-brain peptide thought to operate between the stomach…

Scientists Crack Code on Why Red Heads Can Tolerate Higher Levels of Pain

Scientists Crack Code on Why Red Heads Can Tolerate Higher Levels of Pain

Did you know red heads are rumored to tolerate higher levels of pain? According to research, this is not just a rumor. Investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have helped demystify the rumor and prove it to be a fact. Here’s what they found. (1) Red Heads And Pain Red heads have an inactive receptor…