Immune Health

What is the immune system and how does it work? The immune system is the body’s natural defence system, which fights against disease and infections. It does this by producing antibodies that recognise and target ‘foreign’ cells or pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. The immune system is made up of cells and organs that work together to keep you healthy. These include white blood cells, lymph nodes, bone marrow, the thymus, and the skin. Immunity is the ability to resist or fight off diseases. We are all born with some level of immunity, but it is something that we can also actively boost through lifestyle choices. There are numerous ways in which you can boost your immune system, such as getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating a healthy diet.

Gatorade: Examining Potential Health Concerns and Exploring Healthier
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Gatorade: Examining Potential Health Concerns and Exploring Healthier

Did you know that regular consumption of Gatorade, a popular sports drink, can potentially lead to various health issues? Several studies suggest that individuals who consume Gatorade without physical activity are more likely to experience weight gain and other health issues. These alarming findings highlight the need to delve deeper into the composition of Gatorade…

The Remarkable Benefits of Viparita Karani: Enhance Mind and Body with Legs up the Wall Pose
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The Remarkable Benefits of Viparita Karani: Enhance Mind and Body with Legs up the Wall Pose

Did you know that a simple yoga pose involving placing your legs up against a wall can have profound effects on your overall well-being? Enter Viparita Karani, also known as the Legs Up the Wall pose. This unassuming yet powerful posture has gained popularity among various individuals, from athletes and dancers to stressed office workers,…

Autoimmune Diseases: Could Drinking Baking Soda Be the Secret Solution You’ve Been Searching For?
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Autoimmune Diseases: Could Drinking Baking Soda Be the Secret Solution You’ve Been Searching For?

According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), over 50 million Americans are affected by autoimmune diseases daily, making them a significant health concern in the United States alone.[1] The battle against autoimmune diseases can be relentless, causing chronic inflammation and a host of debilitating symptoms. However, an expected hero has emerged from the…

The Alarming Truth About Farmed Salmon: A Toxic Food Industry
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The Alarming Truth About Farmed Salmon: A Toxic Food Industry

Did you know that farmed salmon is considered one of the most toxic foods in the world? Nicolas Daniel’s documentary “Fillet Oh! Fish” provides a compelling look into the dark side of the fish industry, exposing the environmental pollution, diseases, and genetic mutations associated with salmon farming. It’s a disturbing reality that demands our attention….

Anti-Foaming Chemicals in Chick-fil-A Sandwiches: A Closer Look at the Health Risks
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Anti-Foaming Chemicals in Chick-fil-A Sandwiches: A Closer Look at the Health Risks

The fast-food industry has faced mounting criticism over the years for its unhealthy practices and ingredients. A recent case in point is Chick-fil-A’s chicken sandwiches, which have come under scrutiny for containing anti-foaming chemicals found in substances like adhesives, caulks, and polishes. Ingredients Revealing Potential Health Hazards Upon perusing the ingredient list provided by Chick-fil-A…

Alert: Over 30 Beer and Wine Brands Found to Contain Harmful Levels of Arsenic and Glyphosate
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Alert: Over 30 Beer and Wine Brands Found to Contain Harmful Levels of Arsenic and Glyphosate

If you aren’t familiar with the chemical glyphosate, it most widely used herbicide in the world, and it is arguably the most concerning toxin in Monsanto’s popular herbicide, RoundUp. While its effectiveness in killing weeds is undisputed, its safety for human health and the environment has been a subject of much debate and controversy.  Several…

Kimchi’s Role in Curbing Stubborn Fat and Alleviating Brain Neuroinflammation, Among Other Benefits
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Kimchi’s Role in Curbing Stubborn Fat and Alleviating Brain Neuroinflammation, Among Other Benefits

Kimchi, a staple in Korean meals for hundreds of years, is a classic fermented side dish crafted from assorted vegetables and flavorful condiments.  While its roots lie in Korean culinary tradition, its global reputation is burgeoning. This rise in popularity is largely due to the numerous health benefits of kimchi, including enhanced digestion, inflammation control,…

The Role of Collagen in Keeping Cancer Cells Dormant: A New Frontier in Cancer Treatment
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The Role of Collagen in Keeping Cancer Cells Dormant: A New Frontier in Cancer Treatment

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with 19.3 million new cases and 10 million deaths recorded in 2020 alone (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2020).  As the global population ages and the prevalence of risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity increases, the cancer burden is expected to rise further….

Fasting for Longevity and Wellness
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Fasting for Longevity and Wellness

In today’s world, people often experience a reduced health span, which refers to the portion of one’s lifespan spent in good health. This decline in health span is linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and hypertension. The modern lifestyle, characterized by artificial lighting, 24/7 access to processed foods, and reduced physical…