
Working out is not only good for your physical health, but also your mental health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel happy. Working out can also help you manage stress, which can improve your mental health. Furthermore, exercise has many other physical benefits, such as improving your cardiovascular health and strength training, which can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent osteoporosis.

It is essential that we stay fit and active to lead healthy and active lifestyles. Regular exercise has many benefits, such as improved sleep, decreased stress, increased productivity, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and more. Moreover, physical activity helps you stay healthy, trim, and fit. Moreover, having a healthy fitness routine will help you shed those extra pounds and keep that weight off for good.

What Your Walking Speed Says About Your Brain Health & Dementia Risk
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What Your Walking Speed Says About Your Brain Health & Dementia Risk

Walking is a fun and purposeful exercise for all ages. Whether your intent is to lose weight, flatten your stomach, firm up all over, or even clear your mind — brisk walking is good for your health.  Brisk walking can help prevent heart disease, diabetes, depression, or arthritis. [1] But did you know that something…

Gut Health-Damaging Habits to Kick as You Age
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Gut Health-Damaging Habits to Kick as You Age

Do you have a stomachache? You might think a night of indulgent eating is the source of your woes or that anxiety or fatigue are the culprits. None of these are wrong, but there might be another reason. As you get older, food can sit undigested in your stomach and cause digestive distress. Bloating and…

6 Yoga Poses That Stimulate Thyroid Function
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6 Yoga Poses That Stimulate Thyroid Function

Yoga is a practice that has been around for centuries, proven to have many benefits, and it can help with thyroid health in many ways. However, it is important to know which type of yoga poses are best for your specific needs.  The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ situated in the front of the…

How Much Water You’re Actually Supposed To Drink Each Day – And Why
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How Much Water You’re Actually Supposed To Drink Each Day – And Why

We’ve all heard the folk wisdom that eight cups of water a day is the magic amount to keep your body going strong. However, just like the human body has different caloric needs, depending on a variety of factors, each body needs a different amount of water to stay functional. Below, we’ll explore hydration and…

Can’t Sleep? Have You Tried Working Out?
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Can’t Sleep? Have You Tried Working Out?

Nothing can be more frustrating than lying down for a good night’s sleep only to find yourself tossing and turning. You might also find you fall to sleep right away, but then wake in the middle of the night. However, poor sleep is not just frustrating. It can also interfere with your health. According to…

4 Minutes of HIIT can help Diabetes, Liver, Heart, Lungs
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4 Minutes of HIIT can help Diabetes, Liver, Heart, Lungs

In recent years, one of the most popular trends in fitness training has been High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, for short. (1)   HIIT is a 100% effort training technique through rapid, intensive exercise bursts accompanied by brief, but at times active, periods of recovery. The total training session is usually between 15-30 minutes, keeping the…

Sweat, bleach and gym air quality: Chemical reactions make new airborne chemicals
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Sweat, bleach and gym air quality: Chemical reactions make new airborne chemicals

Working out in a gym provides an easy way to keep fit and for many, improves commitment to a fitness regime. However, have you ever considered with all that huffing and puffing going on, how good the air quality is at your gym? A recent study by the University of Colorado Boulder reveals that all…

Benefits of Fitness Equipment for Schools: Are Your Students Fit Enough to Win at Life?
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Benefits of Fitness Equipment for Schools: Are Your Students Fit Enough to Win at Life?

All school kids should get about 60 minutes of exercise per day, says an Institute of Medicine report. They do not have to work out for an hour straight. In fact, the best results come from children engaging in physical activities for about 30 minutes during school hours and 30 minutes before or after school….

This Type of Exercise Is The Closest Miracle Drug We Have For Body, Brain and Gut Health!
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This Type of Exercise Is The Closest Miracle Drug We Have For Body, Brain and Gut Health!

I’ve been reminding my patients to stay active and move with purpose all season long to achieve better health. There are many fun and effective activities, even winter-friendly, that will do the trick, but one of the best ways to stay active year-round is by incorporating aerobic exercise into your daily routine. A daily dose of cardio…