
Will Smith committed on his Instagram to get in the β€œbest shape of his life” and he’s doing it right. In a recent post, the 52-year-old actor shared that he is stepping up his health and fitness for a YouTube series. But you won’t see the star working out like Thor or Superman. Not yet, at least. Will Smith’s weight-loss journey is about taking small steps towards his goal, and building a foundation for strength and longevity.

In the post, Smith jokes with his trainer about weight training with an empty barbell. β€œNobody’s going to have a video of me bench pressing with just a bar with no weights on it.” In a quick cut, that’s exactly what we see, except he’s squatting with an empty bar instead of benching it.

But while joking about the unentertaining method of losing weight, Will Smith demonstrates exactly what we all need to learn. Training movements without heavy weights helps prevent injuries and builds the skills necessary to achieve long-term goals. It’s not sexy, but it’s effective. (1)

Smart Strength-Training 

Of course, weight-training is important for people wanting to lose weight, especially those over 50. Lifting weights helps to maintain bone strength, which is important because our bones tend to weaken as we age. Adding strength training to your workout regimen also helps reduce muscle loss, and promotes healthy weight by increasing metabolism. (2,3)

If all this sounds great to you, take a page from Will Smith’s handbook: start slow. In the beginning, you don’t want to bust out the heavy weights… you aren’t just trying to see how much weight you can lift. Always remember, with strength training, a little work goes a long way. Experts agree that those starting out in any weight-loss or fitness program should focus on form rather than the amount of weight being lifted. Work toward getting the movements right, cement them into your muscle memory. Then when you add the weight, your body knows exactly how to perform the exercise, even under a heavier load. (4)

Strength-training is important for overall health in people over 50, true, but don’t panic if you don’t have easy access to weights. Experts agree that bodyweight training with no equipment can be just as effective as working out with weights and machines. (5)

Weight-Loss for Over 50

Though Will Smith is hitting the gym to lose weight, there are other ways to get fit over 50. It’s a likely bet that Smith’s weight-loss program includes new eating habits, ways to reduce stress, and improve mental health, along with the physical exercise. Fitness is more than working out. What you eat matters as well as how you take care of your mental health. (2)

Consuming high-quality proteins, limiting refined sugars, and cutting out processed foods can all help boost weight-loss. But just like jumping headfirst into lifting heavy weights, kicking all bad eating habits at once can sometimes be a setup for failure. Just like learning the movements with an empty barbell, start small with dietary changes… grow from a place of success. Gradually replace unhealthy foods with their healthier counterparts. Slowly incorporate more rest and sleep into your routine. Gently increase physical activity throughout the week. Take the time to learn the basics and ease into new behaviors so they become habits. This is an important aspect of making any new habit β€œstick”: creating the right conditions for success. (3)

Will Smith’s Weight-Loss Lesson to Us All

No question, Will Smith is a funny guy! But his commitment to his health and well-being is serious business. His journeyβ€” starting small, building a foundation, and continuously improving his lifeβ€”Β  is one of life’s best lessons. We can laugh and play along with him, and find our own way to a healthy and happy life.

My Personal RX:

  1. Start Slow and Steady: Don’t rush into heavy weightlifting or strict diets. Take small steps towards your goal, and build a foundation for strength and longevity, just like Will Smith is doing with his empty barbell squat. This is about long-term, sustainable change, not a quick fix.
  2. Focus on Form: Whether you’re lifting weights or doing bodyweight exercises, form is crucial. Learn the correct movements, cement them into your muscle memory, and then gradually increase the intensity.
  3. Consider Nutrition: Physical activity is just one aspect of fitness. Proper nutrition is equally important. Start by gradually replacing unhealthy foods with healthier alternatives, limit refined sugars, and consume high-quality proteins.
  4. Prioritize Mental Health: Fitness isn’t just about physical health; it also includes mental well-being. Find ways to reduce stress, get sufficient rest, and take care of your mental health.
  5. Try Osteoprotect: If you are concerned about bone health as you age, consider my OsteoProtect supplement. It promotes healthy bone density, increases skeletal strength, and improves bone remodeling through the synergistic action of its ingredients.

For more detailed advice and guidelines, I highly recommend downloading a free copy of my 50-page step-by-step Protocol Guide. This will provide you with a thorough plan to start living a healthier lifestyle.

Remember, every journey starts with a single step, and every step you take towards better health is a victory in itself. So, let’s embark on this journey together towards a healthier and happier you!

  1. https://www.wellandgood.com/empty-barbell-exercises/
  2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-to-lose-weight-after-50#losing-weight-after-50
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-to-lose-weight-after-50
  4. https://www.health.harvard.edu/exercise-and-fitness/7-tips-for-a-safe-and-successful-strength-training-program
  5. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/body-weight-training/faq-20147966

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