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5 Effective Home Remedies for Wrinkles

Whether your skin is showing those first signs of aging or further along in the aging process, you’re likely looking for ways to reduce and prevent wrinkles. While many people opt for Botox injections and dermal fillers, those methods are risky and don’t necessarily provide the best long-term results. Fortunately, there are more natural options that can help you look as young as you feel. Use any of these natural home remedies to prevent and lessen the appearance of wrinkles.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great source of antioxidants (like vitamins A and E) that fight skin-damaging free radicals. You can apply topically and incorporate into your diet to help prevent and reduce wrinkles.

  • Used as a massage oil, applying to affected skin moisturizes, repairs and even regenerates skin cells.
  • Use olive oil in cooking and on salads for better and more youthful skin.


Whip up an easy DIY facial mask! Use a blender to mix cucumber, mint leaves and 1 egg white. Apply to your face and neck. The egg white tightens your skin while the cucumber brings out the shine from within. This combination provides a great wrinkle-reducing effect.


Tomatoes are a very effective home remedy as they contain lycopene, which researchers have found makes skin less sensitive to ultra violet rays. They are also a good source of beta-carotene which protects skin against sun damage (one of the top causes of wrinkles!).

Incorporate into your nutrition plan to see tighter skin. You can also apply tomato pulp to your face and neck for instant brightening and younger looking skin.


Loaded with antioxidants, ginger helps inhibit the breakdown of elastin, one of the main causes of wrinkles and fine lines.

  • Mix a pinch of grated ginger with a tablespoon of honey. You can enjoy this daily.
  • Drink ginger tea twice daily.


Almonds are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin E, iron, zinc, calcium, folic acid and oleic acid. This powerful combination can slow the aging process and treat wrinkles.

  • Soak some almonds in raw milk overnight. In the morning, remove the skin and grind the almonds into a thick paste. Apply the paste onto your skin (even under your eyes to get rid of dark circles). Leave on for 20-30 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Massage almond oil into your skin to stave off signs of aging.

Remember to make healthy living a part of every day!

The light in me honors the light in you. Namaste. – Dr. Nandi

Partha’s Prescriptions

  • Always wear sunscreen … especially between 10am and 2pm when the sun is strongest.
  • Stay hydrated. I recommend 64-96 oz of water per day for better health and glowing skin.
  • Wash your face before bed and rinse thoroughly. Soap and makeup residue can dry your skin and intensify the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Focus on prevention. The American Academy of Dermatology advises that the best remedies are the ones that help prevent wrinkles in the first place.

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